What is Rotary?

Rotary International is an association of Rotary clubs worldwide. It’s made up of more than 33,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. The members of these autonomous clubs are called Rotarians, and they form a global network of 1.2 million business and professional leaders, all volunteering their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Individual Rotary clubs, in turn, belong to the global association called Rotary International. Find out more about Rotary’s history and structure. 

How Do I Become a Member of Rotary?

If you’re interested in joining the Portsmouth Rotary club, submit a Prospective Member Form and we will reach out to you. Alternatively, join us for lunch and introduce yourself. 

Prospective Members Should:

What Are the Responsibilities of Membership?

Members are expected to attend weekly club meetings (our Club does not meet the last Thursday of every month). Members are expected to serve on a committee and contribute their time and resources to club activities and service projects. Additionally, all Rotarians pay annual dues to our Club, our Rotary district, and Rotary International. 

What Are the Attendance Requirements?

An attendance record of 50 percent is required to remain an active Rotarian. Any missed meeting must be made up within 14 days before or after the regular meeting. To accommodate busy schedules, there are various opportunities to make up missed meetings- such as attending a board meeting, committee meeting, service project, making up at another Club, etc.